it's 00.55, 31 December 2009
Means, 23 hours left to start our journey of 2010.
And back to the 2009, there are lots of things happened in my life.
I have so many new excitements, experiences, and very impressive moments.
And.. it's some of them :)
it's 00.55, 31 December 2009
Means, 23 hours left to start our journey of 2010.
And back to the 2009, there are lots of things happened in my life.
I have so many new excitements, experiences, and very impressive moments.
And.. it's some of them :)
- I'm 25 years old this year. Saya sudah 1/4 abad.. -_-'
- Finally i have my first laptop, with my own savings : Fujitsu L 1010. My brother chose that one for me, it's white and i like it :)
- Becoming myself. Not the one with 'mask', and i proud to be my self.
- Updating more new projects, works, article in this blog & deviantart
- Have a new printer, 3 in one., dibeliin papa..
- I was in Jason Mraz concert on March 2009 :D~ love you, mraz!
- Going to some seminars. Some of them are really cheesy, but some of them really good for my life. really.
- Favourite snack of the year : MOCHI (tapi sekarang langsung bosen gara2 kebanyakan ber-mochi2 ria)
- Still in love with my viewty... tapi mule lecet2 di taon ini, kasian ya... Maap saya tidak menjagamu dengan baikkk....
- Watching so many movies.... terlalu banyak untuk disebutkan
- Something Happened in Menara Imperium. ^^
- Have a really fun Malay's trip with Gil & Jela, only 300,000 rupiahs for the tickets (really cheap, rite? hoho :)tapi sambil deg-degan soalnya musim flu babi... wkwkkw
- My dad got a kidney cancer. it was shocking us.. but he's fine now :) love you dad..
- Have a great trip to Padang, masih banyak bekas gempa yang terlantar.... kali ini sambil deg-degan juga takut masih ada hantunaaa.......... wkwkw...
- I have my first deposit saving :) tapi kecil sih jumlahnya wkwkwk.. yg penting punya ya ga?
- Haven't buy a digital camera (or DSLR) for myself, i still want to have oneeeee :P~ hmm... maybe in 2010 :)
- Falling in love with a 6 years old girl named Vega, haha she's so adorable and i like the way she smile. :)
- My glasses gone. It's my first glasses, was bought when i still on 2nd year of high school.
- I decided to have new working experience to improve my skills and know myself more and more :)
- Sempat memutuskan buat bikin bisnis baru, biro jodoh.... wkakaka...
- For the first time in my life, i read a 600+ pages Indonesian novel. If you know me, you'll not believe that. But in the next 2010, i'm sure that i'll read more and more...
- My CDMA phone doesn't work at the moment. rusak dia.. mo benerin ah ntar... \
- Have some new friends ;)
Yaa... i know, i still have so many plans for my 2010. Masih banyak hal yang belum terlaksana. Mungkin tidak mudah buat mencapai smuanya, tapi kita harus optimis n berusaha. Ya ga? :)
and it's my promise : "I Should be better in 2010 - in every path of life" and i believe i can :)
So.... Happy New Year 2010, everyone!!
Let's face it with love and optimistic.