(aah, dimana-mana recommended menu itu kan enak.. kok ini begini.. )*menyesal dalam kesunyian*
She told me bout the Stingray Grilled Steak... "special for today", she said.
I don't really interested actually, but ok, i just order it to try...
But It's really scary for me when i saw my "Stingray Grilled Steak" .
It's the most disgusting dinner i've had.
The texture, the shape.. the skin colour and how it looks,
plus some stingy scent...
make me feel so so so scared to eat... lol
* -> cuma bisa bengong sekitar 1 menit dan sambil melihat bentuknya dengan jijik...
But i try to eat a little, and the taste's like eating chicken meat. Maybe for others it's delicious. yeah, maybe not really bad... but when i remember how the stingray killed steven irwin.. it's really drowning me into the most disgusting feeling..
And Today... i promised to myself "I'll never order the STINGRAY GRILLED STEAK" again... Never......
Sorry guys, No photos...
it's too disgusting to be captured by my camera.. lol
2 komentar:
wuiks.. jadi geli sendiri.
mungkin bagi orang lain enak makanya dia rekomendasikan, atau mungkin karena itu makanan yg mahal makanya direkomendasikan biar laku.. hehe..
kayaknya bekicot aja, orang paris pada bilang itu enak, bagi gw si.. wueek..
salam kenal :D makasi dah mampir
lam knl jg presy :)
thanks untuk bpendapat yg sama wkwkwk.. soalnyaa pas g tulis status ttg stingray steak di FB, ehhhh pada bilang enakkkk,... jd bngung ndiri :(
jd berasa ada dukungan.. wkwkwk :P
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