Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Flashback :)

it's 00.55, 31 December 2009

Means, 23 hours left to start our journey of 2010.

And back to the 2009, there are lots of things happened in my life.
I have so many new excitements, experiences, and very impressive moments.

And.. it's some of them :)

  1. I'm 25 years old this year. Saya sudah 1/4 abad.. -_-'

  2. Finally i have my first laptop, with my own savings : Fujitsu L 1010. My brother chose that one for me, it's white and i like it :)

  3. Becoming myself. Not the one with 'mask', and i proud to be my self.

  4. Updating more new projects, works, article in this blog & deviantart

  5. Have a new printer, 3 in one., dibeliin papa..

  6. I was in Jason Mraz concert on March 2009 :D~ love you, mraz!

  7. Going to some seminars. Some of them are really cheesy, but some of them really good for my life. really.

  8. Favourite snack of the year : MOCHI (tapi sekarang langsung bosen gara2 kebanyakan ber-mochi2 ria)

  9. Still in love with my viewty... tapi mule lecet2 di taon ini, kasian ya... Maap saya tidak menjagamu dengan baikkk....

  10. Watching so many movies.... terlalu banyak untuk disebutkan

  11. Something Happened in Menara Imperium. ^^

  12. Have a really fun Malay's trip with Gil & Jela, only 300,000 rupiahs for the tickets (really cheap, rite? hoho :)tapi sambil deg-degan soalnya musim flu babi... wkwkkw

  13. My dad got a kidney cancer. it was shocking us.. but he's fine now :) love you dad..

  14. Have a great trip to Padang, masih banyak bekas gempa yang terlantar.... kali ini sambil deg-degan juga takut masih ada hantunaaa.......... wkwkw...

  15. I have my first deposit saving :) tapi kecil sih jumlahnya wkwkwk.. yg penting punya ya ga?

  16. Haven't buy a digital camera (or DSLR) for myself, i still want to have oneeeee :P~ hmm... maybe in 2010 :)

  17. Falling in love with a 6 years old girl named Vega, haha she's so adorable and i like the way she smile. :)

  18. My glasses gone. It's my first glasses, was bought when i still on 2nd year of high school.

  19. I decided to have new working experience to improve my skills and know myself more and more :)

  20. Sempat memutuskan buat bikin bisnis baru, biro jodoh.... wkakaka...

  21. For the first time in my life, i read a 600+ pages Indonesian novel. If you know me, you'll not believe that. But in the next 2010, i'm sure that i'll read more and more...

  22. My CDMA phone doesn't work at the moment. rusak dia.. mo benerin ah ntar... \

  23. Have some new friends ;)

Yaa... i know, i still have so many plans for my 2010. Masih banyak hal yang belum terlaksana. Mungkin tidak mudah buat mencapai smuanya, tapi kita harus optimis n berusaha. Ya ga? :)

and it's my promise : "I Should be better in 2010 - in every path of life" and i believe i can :)

So.... Happy New Year 2010, everyone!!

Let's face it with love and optimistic.

2 komentar:

toni mengatakan...

kasian si ibu.. page nya sepi comment hahahhahaha.... terpaksa saya tinggalkan 1 catatan disini.

semoga resolusi taon 2010-nya terwujud yah... wish u all the best of luck, blessings & wisdom :) I'm so happy to be your friend.... cheers

have a blast 2010 with ur love one & family

K1chi mengatakan...

Nah ini akibat kurang promosi. Makanya kalau Anda punya produk, lakukanlah promosi sebaik mungkin, wkaakak.. Abis ini tolong bikinin xbanner dong ton bwat blog gw, bwat ditaro di mal-mal.. *wakakka plak*

haha sama
snang berteman dengan anda
*ngmg nya sambl pasang muka terpaksa dan basa basi* :P

btw thx for the wish
all the best for you and family and with ur love one too...