Heyoo, Liddle fizsh!!
"Heyoo, Liddle Fiszh!!"
Come tuu Papa Chocoqii
Papa wuuld givh yuw a Lot of Choco..
Let'zh pleii togetha
mii liddle fiszh..
( little fish : ............ )
Welcome to The 2nd story of Mr.Chocoqii daily-life.
He's finally found something to be play with, the 'liddle fiszh', a creature that he can't found at his Chocolandville's world.
He like it so much so he want to be liddle fiszh' Papa...
"Heyoo, come tuu Papa..."
2 komentar:
wah bisa bikin tebakan nih... "coklat apa yg doyan ikan?" bhauehauehauehuhaeuhauhaeuh
*ketawa aja deh g pdhl ga ngerti kamsudnya apa*
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