Senin, 12 Oktober 2009

*~Lovely Place~*

*~Lovely Place~*

I love the moments when i was there
see the beautiful flowers
and hear the birds singing

I feel warm, i feel comfort
Let's go there together..

It's one of my illustrations project for myself :)
(before i cut my hair.. haha...)

Was made several months ago...
Just scan my pencil sketching and put the colours in Photoshop.
That was really interesting to do, i like it...
and i miss to do those things...

maybe some day, i'll creating the other version :)

Kalo rajin.. wkwkw

4 komentar:

Seth mengatakan...

mo tanya donk.. kenapa stokingnya ijo?

K1chi mengatakan...

jahh yang diliet warna ijo doank ya
hahaa itu lagi go green, kan lagi gardening... wkwwk

toni mengatakan...

love ur art :)

K1chi mengatakan...

thxxxx :)