Minggu, 29 November 2009

ppl' inside

:: glad :: shocking :: safe :: happy :: up :: down :: like :: love :: sweet :: dillema :: surprised :: deeply :: sad :: mellow :: :: :: embarassed :: shy :: heaven :: new soul :: come and go :: feels :: lovely :: tears :: smile :: laugh :: could :: cherish :: hope :: hate :: wish :: dreams :: guilty :: glow :: memories :: shine :: growing :: blank :: passive :: reason :: enjoy :: great :: fantastic :: romance :: unspoken :: rough :: give :: glams :: beauty :: stupidity :: fools :: optimist :: childhood :: spirit :: good :: well :: story :: truly :: believe :: energy :: complete :: bored :: cheers :: friendship :: deepest :: cry :: meant :: special :: twisted :: hurts :: happiness :: comfort :: needs :: answers :: understanding :: living :: giving :: thanksfull :: broken :: blurry :: falling :: hard :: sickness :: beat :: rockin' :: out :: together :: missing :: moments :: possible :: gutts :: more :: slip :: change :: grow up :: learn :: give and take :: joy :: mistake :: make :: holy :: wise ::
people can feel
people can learn
people can change
it's about how you'll get your life into...
great day everyone... ;)

Rabu, 25 November 2009

Let me show my mind...

"Let me show my mind
Walking through the line
Shaping a dome of a dreams
of the unrevealed wishes

Let me show my heart...
Bringing my wonderful life into the sky"

babbiekichi@ 2009
My another Sketching ;)

It's one of my favourite original sketching style...

Just draw the line, creating my paper full of sketch..
share the most unexpected imagination of mind.

Very fun... and of course i love it ;)

Selasa, 24 November 2009

It's Trapped in a Mere Happiness..

~*It's Trapped in a Mere Happiness*~

"Wow.. I love this Bread!!! Nyam...... "
said the lizard...

But he doesn't ever know what will be happen next...

And This is how the story began...
(sorry ya pake bahasa indonesia aja wkwkw)

Pada suatu malam yang indah...
Tiba-tiba ada suara aneh yang cukup mengejutkan dari arah meja makan...

Perlahan tapi pasti,
suara itu memecah kesunyian malam..
Mengusik ketenangan diri ini yang sedang asik bersantai ria..

"Krsek.. rskskekrekke..."
*anggep aja gitu ya suaranya, saudara2*
Ih makin lama makin rese suaranya...

Eh taunya, setelah diselidiki,
ternyata ada cicak nyangkut di dlm seplastik roti tawar!!
Abis makan roti tampaknya dia ga bisa keluar lagi...

Terus terang, kasus ini membuat diri ini dilemma...
Harus nyukurin apa harus sedih karena roti tawar itu terpaksa dibuang smuanya,
kan geliii yaaaa makan bekasnya cicak... weeee...
*hue pdhl rotinya enak loh, apalagi kl dipakein selai Skippy* wkwkw... nasib2....

Illustration by Babbiekichi.November 2009.
Inspired by last night dillematic story *lol*
Bread photography from corbis.com
Adobe Illustrator.

Hey...Don't Mess with Me..!


Black dirty octopus!!
I'm not your stupid toys...
I don't like what u did to me...
Don't mess with me!!"

Said the little sweet potato.

(Ow oww... )

babbiekichi.november 2009
Illustrator works :)

Rabu, 18 November 2009

My Illustration Project - Path of Harley

waa.. this is my really really first illustration project that i've made when i still in college!!
(ketemu pas ngubek2 folder Porfolio hehehe)
Using Adobe Illustrator at that time, try to make an illustration from a photograph..
I've spent many days to make this project. but i really enjoy the result..
haha, but yeah... not really nice..
harap maklum ini kerjaan pertama pake ilustrator, maen2 sama gradient mesh + path2 ga jls :)

Selasa, 03 November 2009

"I smell COLOURFUL Scents of LIFE"

I Smell a COLORFUL SCENT of life...
up and down
love and hurt
joy and tears
happy and sad
colouring our life
with its own way
sketch + photoshop